Sunday, November 08, 2009

Weekending: 8th Novemeber

It's weekending time again;


Posts and articles;
Diary dates;
Youtube of the week, Beatrix Campbell launches her Parliamentary campaign as a Green Party candidate;

P.S. I filmed this. It was both the first time I've put a video on Youtube (with all the little gizmo's) and the first time I'd been introduced to Ms Campbell. I don't know what I was expecting, but she was really, really lovely.


weggis said...

Is "Kirkless" a rudderless Enterprise or a little short of Kirklees?

ModernityBlog said...


Good link to Peter Tatchell:)

The stuff that has been written about him on **other** blogs is terrible and extremely unhelpful.

Douglas Coker said...

Hi Jim

Bumped into Bea Campbell at Hove. Being a feminist influenced old leftie I knew of her but had ever met her before.

I was hugely impressed. She a good sort and a huge plus for the Green Party.

