Thursday, December 24, 2009

My family at war

My Mum's been showing me a whole number of family photos stretching way back when. Just because I'm interested in this stuff I thought I'd share a few of the family pictures from my lot at war.

First up we have Arthur by the sea. I don't know what sea. I do know that he's in full uniform, with his shoes and socks off, trousers rolled up for paddling, whilst smoking a pipe. This confirms that my family have been fashion trend setters for decades.

Next we have what we think is my Grandad on my Mum's side in the uniform he started the war out in. He soon exchanged this for the togs of a Desert Rat.

Next up we have Daisy who was a lance corporal in the Women's Land Army. Looking very cheerful.

The next one is my Dad's Dad with my Aunty Hazel. He's in his RAF uniform and she's looking very pleased at being photographed.

Lastly with have the 'Dead Man's Penny' for John Player Genower who was killed in a German prisoner of war camp in pretty grisly circumstances.