Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekending: 23rd August

New blogs, links I've spotted and the odd bit of frippery;

  • Iraqi immigrant, Dana Ali, faces deportation after an alleged Home Office blunder fails to recognise his marriage to a British citizen. Please do read.
  • I'm becoming increasingly alarmed at the way the Libyan prisoner release affair is being handled in the media. The Flying Rodent expresses some of this, Al Jazeera a little more and Haaretz a bit more. I'd like to add that the crowds cheering al-Megrahi home were welcoming someone they believed had been wrongly convicted and was innocent of any crime - not celebrating terrorism. Not that anyone seems to be pointing this out.
Letter of the week comes from Friday's Independent;

With regard to the howls of protest from America about the release or transfer of "the Lockerbie bomber": could anyone remind me how many years in jail were served by the American(s) responsible for the downing of the Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988, killing all 290 aboard, including 66 children?

Hedley Sutton, Cinderford, Gloucestershire

A little climate video I spotted from YouTube;


Matt Wardman said...


Thanks for the link.


CeeEmBee said...

your so right about Derren Brown's blog. it's truly amazing.