Here we are again another week gone. For me, like many of you, it was spent coughing up phlegm and moaning about how ill I was. In addition to this I've sworn a death oath to destroy hotmail. Ho Hum on with the week's round up.First, I'd like to remind people it's the climate march on Saturday next week in London. Be there or be some sort of climate criminal.
Sat. 6th DecemberThe picture is of me and my friend Liz at this event last year.
Assemble at noon in Grosvenor Square (oh, US embassy!)
See here for more details.
My placard says (don't) BEHEAD CLIMATE DENIERS (be nice to them instead, they might change their minds).
Liz's says CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS MUST DIE (as must we all in time, such is the tragic fate of all living things). I don't know why she's looking all shy about it.
Not sure what kind of greeting card to send this year? Why not try the selection Red Pepper have on offer? They're classy!

That would be a tragedy if a long standing radical bookshop like Housman's was to close. If you're near King's Cross why not nip round the corner and buy a few of your Christmas presents there - helping to boost the cause and keep this excellent resource afloat.
My top five spots on the net this weeks were (in random order);
- Apparently David Tennant has been doing Hamlet with a real skull. Whilst Frogblog thinks it's heart warming, I couldn't possibly comment.
- Conservengland had a very interesting and detailed post on empty homes.
- Sunny highlights our foreign secretary saying that "There are Indians who are Muslims, there are Indians who are Hindus… and there are Muslims who are Sikhs." Yeah, you've got to watch those Sikh Muslims - they're the worst sort. At least this was better than his plea to restore our faith in liberal interventionism.
- Maureen Lipman admits she used to take LSD. I don't know why this fascinates me, but it does. However my new heart throb David Mitchell is left unimpressed.
- And last but not least Mike from Haringey Green Party reports on fifty patients occupying a PCT board meeting.
Oh, and don't forget to vote in the poll (right) on prostitution and the law.
To pick on the least important part of your message... you need to get off hotmail. You can probably import old hotmail messages into gmail directly, or via IMAP with a standalone email application. However you do it, do it...
But, but, but... I've been on the same email address for years - people know it... wont it be an enormous pain to change over?
2 ideas... either a) set your email to forward/auto-reply your new message. Start using your new address imediately, but give the old one 6 months or so to check periodically.
or b) do what I do and get a domain address (£5 for 2 years) and attach it to google apps. If you ever get sick of Google you can change the email address to point somewhere else.
If you get a regular gmail address, set it to pick up your hotmail by pop3 or imap, and just start replying from the gmail account, and people will soon work out that your address has changed. YOu can also be a massive geek like me and tell everybody by email..
I'd say the pain of changing is outweighed by the pain of staying the same...
Thanks for the mention Jim, I'm just sorry I missed the occupation of the PCT boardroom.
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