Friday, March 14, 2008

Massive set back for fight against climate change

Blair has been put in charge.

Backed by the Climate Change Group, a green-wash conglomeration of businesses, Blair hopes to follow his extraordinary successes in bringing peace to the Middle East (by bombing it), advancing democracy (by removing civil liberties at home and human rights abroad) and improving public services (by floating them on the stock market).

I guess Blair was attracted by this word change - if only it had been New Climate Change he'd have had the whole set and he could really get behind advancing it. He's laid out his stall first off by exhorting us to be realistic. "The one thing I am absolutely sure of is that we are not going to get the action necessary by telling people not to consume." After all consumption is the holy creed of advanced capitalism isn't it and, as it's Pope, Blair isn't going to start committing heresies now.

He goes on to say "People often say to me there are a lot of climate change plans out there, and I say 'how many of them are politically doable?'" Which, if you translate it from Blair speak means "All these people who bang on about the environment want big business to change its ways, well I can't see the corporations agreeing to that."

My theory is he'll come up with a plan to burn absolutely everything on the planet. Long term thinking you see - once all the carbon has been pumped into the atmosphere our emissions will be absolutely zero. As a side benefit shares in gas masks and shotguns will go through the roof - buy, buy, buy!!!


Adam Marks said...

He's our Nixon, our time, our place. Everything he says, EVERYTHING, is a lie. He is the incarnation of evil, corruption and bureaucratic vanity... At least he's got his money to comfort him for the time being.

Adam Marks said...

He's our Nixon, our time, our place. Everything he says, EVERYTHING, is a lie. He is the incarnation of evil, corruption and bureaucratic vanity... At least he's got his money to comfort him for the time being.