Thursday, August 10, 2006

The long spliff of the law

The wrong side of capitalism provides us with conclusive proof that the police are getting more like new age hippies everyday.

The post reminded me of the time when, collecting for the Liverpool Dockers, these two cops came up to us and I thought "here we go" and was just preparing my best "fuck you copper" sneer when the taller one of the two said

"Do you know what? The worst thing Thatcher ever did was to use the police as a political weapon against the working class" and threw and tenner into the bucket.

I was rather gobsmacked to be honest.


Anonymous said...

Why dont you talk about the Islamic terrorists arrested today? Must be because Israel invaded Lebanon and they were angry.

Wait, that's right, they've been plotting this thing since way before war broke out between Israel and Lebanon.

So much for blaming this on Israel...

Jim Jepps said...


why do you think i'd think it's specifically about israel's latest round of mass murder?

are you drunk?

Anonymous said...

Amazing how much radical Islamists worship a culture of death.

In the UK, Lebanon, India, Indonesia...

Israel and Lebanon accept the conditions of a UN cease fire. Hezbollah - no response except for dead silence, and that speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, here's a good name for your blog - "Peace in out Time"

Jim Jepps said...

Hezbollah offered a ceasefire some time ago on condition Israeli forces left Lebanon, which it seems to me, is the precondition of any settlement.